Cornwall Public Library

Medicare: Parts A,B,C,D & What to Know About Open Enrollment- Cancelled

Unfortunately, this program has be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances! Monday, October 7 1:00 – 2:00 PM Attention, current and new 2025 Medicare enrollees! It’s time to compare plans and make sure you have the right health and prescription drug coverage. Presented by Erinn Braun from the Orange County Office for the Aging. A drop-in… Continue reading Medicare: Parts A,B,C,D & What to Know About Open Enrollment- Cancelled

Collage Workshop: Sharing Your Favorite Time of Year

Tuesday, October 8 1:00 – 3:00 PM Join Susan Minier, nationally recognized collage maker, for a creative afternoon playing with colors and pictures to share your favorite month/time of year. What images or colors come to mind? Why is it special? Start collecting photos, poems, stickers, seasonal colors for your choice, scenic calendars, related embellishments,… Continue reading Collage Workshop: Sharing Your Favorite Time of Year

Great Decisions Survey

Have you participated at all in the Great Decisions program this year? Maybe you wanted to but the timing didn’t work out. Either way, we want to hear from you! Please take a moment to complete this brief survey, which will help us as we plan for next year’s program. Thank you in advance for… Continue reading Great Decisions Survey

Cornwall Garden Club Program: MAKING CONNECTIONS Between body, soul, & gardening

Thursday, September 12 2-3:30 PM Open to community members! Come and learn about the benefits of meditation for the soul, and chair yoga for the body in the company of gardening friends. Meditation can enhance the connection with nature that gardeners already enjoy, and yoga can make all those garden-centric chores more natural. Meditation will… Continue reading Cornwall Garden Club Program: MAKING CONNECTIONS Between body, soul, & gardening