Upcoming Events:
Annual Meeting
Book Sale
March 15 10am-1pm
General Information:
- promote public awareness of Cornwall Public Library and its services.
- raise funds for library initiatives.
- contribute to the cultural enrichment of the local community.
The Friends’ fundraising takes place through receipt of annual membership dues and sales in their Used Bookstore, which is located in the library’s lobby. The bookstore is staffed by volunteers six days a week. Its current hours are:
MONDAY 10:00am – 3:00pm
TUESDAY 10:00am – Noon & 1:00pm – 3:00pm
WEDNESDAY 10:00am – Noon & 1:00pm – 3:00pm
THURSDAY 10:00am – Noon & 1:00pm – 3:00pm
FRIDAY 10:00am – Noon
SATURDAY 10:00am – 12:30pm
The Friends Bookstore provides the community with a great way to recycle and to support the library. They gratefully accept donations.
The Friends also have an array of unique items suitable for gift giving — books on local history, two of which the Friends published: Cornwall, Images of the Past by Janet Dempsey, Colette Fulton and James O’Neill; and Cornwall Revisited by Janet Dempsey. The organization has also published historic note cards and postcards.
New Friends are always welcome! Annual Membership is $15.00 for an individual and $25.00 for a family. To join and/or to contribute, please stop by the library and ask for a Friends Membership envelope.
For more information about the Friends, please visit the Bookstore or contact Charlotte Dunaief, Library Director, @(845)534-8282, ext. 2001 or cdunaief@rcls.org. You can also e-mail the Friends directly at cplfriends@rcls.org.
Bookstore Donations Policy:

We accept only the following items. Must be in good condition.
- Adult & children’s books, CDs, DVDs and books on CD
- Fiction – no more than 5 years old
- Non-fiction (History, Travel, Biographies, etc.)
- Limit of 2 boxes/bags of above items per donor
Magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks, condensed books, professional journals, records, VHS or cassettes.
Please place donations in the hallway bin or bring them directly into the bookstore during open hours.
DO NOT LEAVE BAGS/BOXES ON FLOOR IN HALLWAY, as this is a fire hazard. Please do not leave donations outside the building when the library is closed.
We reserve the right to turn down donations that do not meet the above requirements.