“Adventure Begins” at the Cornwall Public Library
Hooray! It’s almost time for the Summer Reading Program!! Starting with our kickoff on July 1st, we are happy to announce a summer full of fantastic programming, designed to get your adventure started at the library. We also have reading logs and game boards with at-home challenges that are tons of fun and will provide a great way to exercise your reading muscles and stretch your creative powers.
To see what’s happening at the library this summer, download a calendar of all our wonderful events here.
To participate in the Summer Reading Program, find your age group below and follow the easy steps. Please note: online sign-ups open on June 24!
Itsy Bitsy Reading Club (Birth to 36 months)
- Sign up for the Summer Reading Program online here. Please sign up each child separately.
- Print an Itsy Bitsy Game Board. Printed copies are also available to pick up at the library.
- Complete the activities on your game board, having lots of fun and collecting your prizes along the way. The last day to collect prizes is August 30th.
- Connect with us often via visits to the library to attend programs and pick out some great reading materials.
3-5 Year Olds Reading Club
- Sign up for the Summer Reading Program online here. Please sign up each child separately.
- Print a Reading Log. Printed copies are also available to pick up at the library.
- Start reading. Write down the title of each book you read or is read to you on the lines provided (a grown-up can help with the writing).
- Bring your reading log to the library frequently throughout the summer and show to the Youth Services staff. For every book listed, you’ll receive one sticker to put on our sticker board. We want the board covered by SRP’s end. Note to Parents: come to the library for stickers when you’ve read about 7-10 books. It’s an easier amount that keeps the process fun.
- Connect with us often via visits to the library to attend programs and pick out some great reading materials.
The last day for stickers is August 30th.
K-2nd Grade Reading Club
- Sign up for the Summer Reading Program online here. Please sign up each child separately.
- Print a Reading Log. Printed copies are also available to pick up at the library.
- Start reading. Write down the title of each book you read or is read to you on the lines provided (a grown-up can help with the writing if needed).
- Bring your reading log to the library frequently throughout the summer and show to the Youth Services staff. For every book listed, you’ll receive one sticker to put on our sticker board. We want the board covered by summer’s end. Note to Parents: come to the library for stickers when you’ve read about 7-10 books. It’s an easier amount that keeps the process fun.
- Connect with us often via visits to the library to attend programs and pick out some great reading materials.
The last day for stickers is August 30th.
3rd-5th Grade Reading Club
- Sign up for the Summer Reading Program online here. Please sign up each child separately.
- Print a Game Board and Book Reviews. Printed copies are also available to pick up at the library.
- Complete the activities on your game board along with 5 book reviews, having lots of fun all summer long.
- Bring your completed game board and book reviews to the library between August 12 & August 30 to collect your prize.
- Connect with us often via visits to the library to attend programs and pick out some great reading materials.
YA Reading Club (6th-12th Grade)
- Sign up for the Summer Reading Program online here. Please sign up each person separately.
- Print a Bingo Board and Book Reviews. Printed copies are also available to pick up at the library.
- Complete the activities on your game board along with 3 book reviews, having lots of fun all summer long.
- Bring your completed game board and book reviews to the library between August 12 & August 30 to collect your prize.
- Connect with us often via visits to the library to attend programs and pick out some great reading materials.
- Click here after June 24 to sign-up for the Adult Summer Reading Challenge.
- Download your Bingo Card and
- Click here to submit a Book Review and here to read reviews.
- Click here for more info.