Cornwall Public Library

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Cornwall Public Library. Please read our Volunteer Policy below and print or download the Volunteer Interest Form to complete. You may return the form to the library by hand or send via email to: A library representative will then be in contact with you.


It is the policy of the Cornwall Public Library to encourage community-minded people to serve as volunteers. Volunteer energy and talent helps the library meet its commitment to providing quality service to the public. Their services aid the library in making the best use of its fiscal resources and help connect the library to other community groups and organizations. Volunteers enhance, rather than replace, adequate staffing.

People who apply to volunteer in the library are required to fill out a Volunteer Interest Form. They must have a library card and be in good standing with the Ramapo Catskill Library System. Before commencing work at the library, all volunteers are also required to fill out a Volunteer Information Sheet, which will be kept on file for emergency contact purposes.

Because volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the library, it is expected that they are guided by the same work and behavior codes as employees. Volunteers are also bound by all of the rules contained in all library policies and guidelines, especially those that relate to patron privacy and confidentiality. Volunteers are considered “at will” volunteer employees of Cornwall Public Library, and the library reserves the right to terminate a volunteer’s working association with the library at any time, for any reason.

Volunteer applicants may be interviewed to determine their interests and levels of experience. Volunteer talents, experience, interests and availability will be considered when assigning tasks. Volunteers are coordinated by the Library Director, or her designee. The Library Director is authorized to create and amend procedures to support this policy.

Volunteers are asked to record their hours of service in the “Volunteer Log Book” located at the circulation desk.

The library accepts volunteers requiring court ordered community service at the discretion of the Library Director. The library will only allow non-violent offenders to do court-ordered volunteer work in the library.

Click here to view the library Volunteer Interest Form.